Sayedul islaam

Sayedul Islaam is a Professional Web Developer, Instructor and Entrepreneur. He has many years of experience in Web Development. He founded an IT services and Degital Learning Company Named SA CODER in 2020 and is the CEO here.
He represented Bangladesh as a Web Developer & Instructor.
Early life
Sayedul Islaam was born on 10 May 2008 in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh. His father Nur Mohammed is an Businessman and his mother Mostafa Khanam is a housewife.
Professional life
Sayedul Islaam founded an IT services and Degital Learning Company Named SA CODER in 2020 and is the CEO here.
His Quote
I believe there is nothing impossible in this world. People can do everything if they try. All he needs is a strong interest. Only then can the right thing be known. And I'm also some try, some encouragement, some inspiration, some support, I have managed to build myself so far. I will be able to go further with the prayers of all. That is the expectation.
He is currently a student in Higher Secondary Certificate(HSC) at Govt. Ashekane Awlia Degree College, Bangladesh