Dr.Conrad Webster

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Dr. Conrad Webster is a mental health advocate, critical race theorist, writer, organizer, facilitator, and professor from Houston, TX. CEO of Black Boy Heal LLC and Co-Founder of African American Leadership Conference. Dr.Webster has worked in Washington State community colleges and Universities since 2012. He began as a Black and Brown retention specialist for the Office of Multicultural and Inclusion at Green River College (GRC).


He then served as an outreach specialist at GRC before transitioning into K-12 as an academic advisor for the College Success Foundation, project manager for Seattle Public Schools, and Director of Student Support for Seattle School for Boys. After completing his doctorate, Dr. Webster became an adjunct professor at Pierce College, Oregon Institute of Technology, University of Washington Tacoma, and University of Puget Sound. Committed to academic achievement and Black wellness, Conrad uses storytelling as a form of liberation through education, and his work inspires students and staff to use their lens to visualize their power to organize change.

