Rickard Sagirbay

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Rickard Sagirbay (born 13 September 1984) is a Swedish philosopher, best selling author, and member of several high-IQ societies, including Mensa Sweden, OLYMPIQ Society, and the International Society for Philosophical Enquiry (ISPE). He is known for his works on Artificial Intelligence (AI), human evolution, and philosophical inquiry, contributing to both scientific and literary communities.

Early life education

Sagirbay was born on {13 September 1984} Sweden. He developed an interest in philosophy and complex problem-solving from an early age. In 2000, Sagirbay attended Rudbeckskolan, where he pursued corporate management and economy in a bilingual setting. Later, in 2006, he enrolled at Jönköping University, where he completed a basic year in science, focusing on natural sciences.


Sagirbay began his professional career when he joined Mensa Sweden in 2015, and since then, he has been its full-time member. Since 2017, he has been a full-time member of the HELLIQ High IQ Society, where he has explored the philosophy of mind and contributed to the intellectual community through his writings and concepts. In 2018, Sagirbay became a full-time member of the OLYMPIQ Society, a high-IQ society for philosophical and intellectual exploration. At OLYMPIQ Society, he has been contributing to philosophical discussions and thought leadership. From 2020 to 2024, Sagirbay was a member of ISPE, participating in the society’s mission of fostering philosophical inquiry and intellectual discourse. He is also a listed member of the World Genius Directory, recognizing individuals with exceptional cognitive abilities. In addition, Sagirbay is an author and has written several books on philosophy, AI evolution, leadership, biographies, and organized crimes.


  • Nobody Knows The Octopus But The Octopus Knows Everybody: A story of organized crime (English Edition)
  • The AI-Integrated Human Evolution Vol2: From Competition to Cooperation (The AI-integrated Human Evolution Vol.2: Moving From Competition To Cooperation) (English Edition)
  • 2150 The World Upside Down: Laughter of the Human Animal (English Edition)
  • The Echoes of Karma: The mind’s eye (English Edition)
  • The Prism of Truth (English Edition)
  • The Emerald Green Godfather from Istanbul (English Edition)
  • The Quantum Oracle: An Epic Sci-Fi Odyssey (English Edition)
  • The AI-integrated Human Evolution Vol 1 (The AI-integrated Human Evolution Vol.2: Moving From Competition To Cooperation) (English Edition)
  • Gaiocchio: The Clown from Sardinia (English Edition)
  • Crime Detective Romanov: The Chess Game (English Edition)

External links

Amazon – Profile